
Dean's Welcoming Message

Welcome to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty! It is my distinct pleasure to extend a heartfelt welcome to all of you as we embark on this important journey together.
A Commitment to Excellence in Education
As educators, we hold a vital role in shaping the minds and futures of our students. Our faculty is dedicated to not only imparting knowledge but also fostering an environment where innovation, creativity, and critical thinking thrive. Education is a powerful tool for change, and together, we can inspire our students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Opportunities for Growth and Collaboration
This training program is designed to enhance your skills and provide you with the latest methodologies in teaching. We encourage you to engage actively with your peers, share your experiences, and embrace the collaborative spirit that defines our community. Remember, as much as you will be teaching, you will also be learning from one another.
Dr. Yoga Prihatin, M.Pd.

Penerjunan OPK 3 (Orientasi Profesi Keguruan 3) FKIP UPS TEGAL dengan zoom MEETING

Penerjunan OPK 3 (Orientasi Profesi Keguruan 3) FKIP UPS TEGAL dengan zoom MEETING. Untuk prosesi penerjunan di wakili oleh Drs. Saripin. S.Pd.I Kepala Sekolah SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Kota Tegal dan mahasiswa di wakili oleh Indra Tirto Aji & Lesya Monica


MOA Pertukaran Pelajar FKIP UPS dengan FMIPA UNNES

MOA Pertukaran Pelajar FKIP UPS dengan FMIPA UNNES (Prodi Pendidikan IPA dan Prodi Pendidikan Matematika ) Kerjasama MBKM. Penandatanganan di kawal langsung Rektor UPS Prof. Fakhruddin .,M.Pddi Semarang


Pelantikan dan Upgrading BEM FKIP UPS Tegal

Pelantikan dan Upgrading BEM FKIP UPS Tegal , BEM FKIP, DPM dan 7 HMPS serta 2 UPK yaitu KAMUS dan TEATER AKAR..Prosesi Pelantikan dilakukan oleh DEKAN FKIP Dr. Purwo Susongko., M.Pd di dampingi Wakil Dekan 3 H.Sumartono.,M.Pd Adapun narasumber yang di undang dalam Upgrading adalah H. Nur Cholis Sobari. SH (SekertarisPCNU Kab Tegal) Ersal Aburizal, […]


Workshop Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar FKIP

Workshop kurikulum merdeka belajar  dan kampus merdeka FKIP bersama Prof Handoyo Widodo dari King Abdul University, Jum’at 17 Juli 2010 Ruang 103 FKIP. Membahas kurikulum kampus merdeka belajar dan kampus merdeka 7 progdi mulai dari kurikulum Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam , Bimbingan Konseling, Pendidikan, Pendidikan Ekonomi, Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Pendidikan Matematika, Pendidikna Pancasila dan […]


Seminar Literasi Pedagogi FKIP UPS Tegal, Auditorium Daryoen Seno Atmadja

seminar Literasi Pedagogi (SRADA) dengan tema “Ujian Nasiona Masih Perlukah?” di Auditorium Daryoen Seno Atmadja sabtu pukul 08.00-13.00 14 maret 2020 FKIP UPS TEGAL Pemateri  1.Prof.Drs. Kumaidi. M.A.Ph.D 2.Dr. Purwo Susongko. M.Pd Tujuan  Untuk memahami isue pendidikan tentang literasi pedagogi Metode 1.Seminar DI Audit 2.Pemaparan Pemakalh di kelas Peserta Peserta eksternal dan internal, eksternal 10 […]


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